List VMs according to memory and CPU usage

For internal billing purpose I needed a way list all Windows VMs for a given subsidiary and their CPU and memory configuration.

Connect-VIServer -Server vcenter.corp.lan

$var = get-vm -location Subsidiary1 | Where{ $_.Guest.OSFullName -like '*windows*' }  | select numcpu, memorygb | Group-Object numcpu,memorygb

function get-numOfVms
		[parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

	$results = foreach ($row in $var)
		$cpu, $mem = $row.Name -split ',', 2
			NumOfVMs = $row.Count
			NumOfCPUs   = $cpu
			MemoryGB = $mem.Trim()
	return $results
$total = get-numOfVms -VMs $var
$total | Export-Csv -Path totalvms.csv -NoTypeInformation


Example of totalvms.csv. It gives you a number of each specific CPU and memory configuration.


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